Parental Child Abduction – Complaint – President European Parliament




Dear President Schultz,


Thank you for your answer to our complaint about the Mediator of the European Parliament for cases of international child abductions. We take knowledge of your position. Nevertheless, We are concerned to clarify the following:

· We noticed that you addressed your letter only to Mr Marco Di Marco, while the letter was addressed to you by multiple parents, all signatories of the letter thereof.

· We never considered the Office of the Mediator as “our personal legal advisor”, WE never even thought at a public service in these terms, as you inexplicably suggest in your letter. Precisely, the Mediator’s Office is, it should be, and it has always been, before Ms McGuinness arrival, a public service helping children in the dramatic situation of a parental child abduction trough the assistance of legally qualified civil servants, according to what it is stated by your own web site.

· Of course, We don’t pretend to choose a specific “staff member”as legal advisor, as you suggest, but we claim, the least, that the European Parliament should guarantee the continuity of such a sensitive service, in the superior interest of our children and to defend such major interests against the arbitrarious and unwarrented decision of the same Mediator, that caused serious prejudice to the stage of development of our procedures, removing Ms Mangiante, without notice and nor ensuring a valuable alternative. The question we ask you is : based on which service’s interest this decision has been taken? Because who payed the consequences of that are our children!

· We trust you understand that the nature of our complaint is not “personal”.We were equally happy with Mr Pasquale Ciuffreda and other servants that preceded him, as well as with Ms Angelilli, but we are definetly not happy with Ms McGuinness “management” of the Office and absolutely not happy with Ms Irene Hennigan, clearly uncapable to take care of our legal cases whatsoever ( as proved by her poor assistance). You might be interested to know that WE didn’t receive any assistance since Ms Mangiante left the Office and this is scandalous!How do you explain that?

· You “assure” ,in your letter, that the Mediator’s Office will continue to “supply it with competent staff”. Therefore, why a competent staff member has been removed?The EP removes the good official under MEP’s whims?How do you guarantee, on this basis, the quality of a service dealing with children?By reason of trasparency We would like to ask you the qualifications and legitimation to work in such service of Irene Hennighan(currently managing the Office), (as we know for Mr Ciuffreda, Ms Kleim and Ms Mangiante), because we have reasons to suspect that Ms Hennigan doesn‘ t have any!

· If you want to place your “friends” at the EP, please don’t do that in a service that deals with CHILDREN! Are you aware of the sensitiveness of the interests involved? Is that too much to ask for the most basic guarantees?

· For many citizens involved with such dramatic situations, the Mediator’s Office is a fundamental service, as , basically, offered legal advises and guidance for free, being a public service. Not everyone can afford to pay private lawyers. With Ms Mcguinness it is not the case anymore and apparently You, President of the European Parliament, are fine with that. The applicants themselves address to you to witness a scandalous situation concerning an EP service, and you, President of the European Parliament, defend your colleague and not the INSTITUTION you represent, nor the rights of our children.

· Who better then US know either or not Ms McGuinness is a “committed, councious and helpful “Mediator? Which is our interest in making a complaint against her if she were “conciuous” as you say in your letter, and committed? Why do you ignore our witness?

· The European Parliament is by definition the physical place where the “elected representatives” are called to act in the common interest of the citizens they have been invested to represent trough our votes!. Nevertheless, by your reply , it appears that you are more concerned by defending your colleague reputation, despite her objective scandalous behaviour, instead then taking awarness and action in the interest of an EP service that involves CHILDREN, our children, EUROPEAN children.


At the light of the above, We guess: is the Parliament at the service of its politicians or at the service of the citizens? We are afraid your reply to our compliants clearly answer this question.


Best regards,

Marco Di Marco, 2-3-2016



Tags:  Brussels II Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 – binationale Ehe Paare – Europaparlament – HKÜ – Haager – Richter –  Kindesentführung – Beschwerde – Italia – Brief – Eltern – Rechtsberater – Mediator – Beamten – Skandal – Mcguinness – Europa – EU Regulation 2201/2003 – Rückführungsverordnung

Complaint to President of the European Parliament about office of international child abductions

Europäisches Parlament

From: Marco Di Marco

Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 1:40 PM

To: Martin Schulz ; Martin Schulz ; Martin Schulz ; Gianni Pittella ; Gianni Pittella ; Manfred Weber

Cc: ; ; ; Richard M Holmes ; Roberto Nocciolini ; ; Andrea Tonello ; Roberto Nocciolini ; Alessandro Avenati ; Mimmo Zardo ; SALVATORE BASILE ; LIBERATO VOLPE ; CAVALCANTI ANDREA ; Leonardo Rassu ; Hartmut Buchholz ; Thomas Karzelek ; Thomas Karzelek ; Uwe Mertens ; Anatol Jung ; Anatol Jung ; Anatol Jung


Subject: Parents complaint obout the mediator’s office for cases of international child abductions

Dear President Martin Schulz,

Dear President Pittella,

Dear President Weber,

Dear Vice-Presidents,

I am a European citizen and a parent, among the many others signatories of this letter, whom requested assistance to the Office of the Mediator for cases of international child abductions.

I appeal to your political consciousness and I rely on your authority in order to take adequate action toward the scandalous conduct of the current Mediator for cases of International Child Abduction, Mairead Mc Guinness, who is abusing the delicate Role she has been delegated to, for the sole purpose of her personal political propaganda but who has proven not to have any interest in our children and not and not up to perform conscientiously and with competences her role.

In particular, as EU citizens and parents whom dealt directly with the Office, We would like to point out that the only person who showed competence and dedication to the cause and who served with the utmost professionalism and humanity all our cases, is Simona Mangiante, who assisted us egregiously. She proved to be very competent in the field, being beyond an official of the European Palriament a qualified international lawyer and lastly legal Advisor of ‚Ombudsman’s office.


Ms Simona Mangiante, who was dedicated to our cases for a long time (she is aware of all of the intricate details of international legal cases that affect us), has recently informed us that she can no longer take care of our cases because MsGuinness removed her from the function !!!

Let me say that it is outrageous !!! The only person working with competence and dedication is removed from the function? How is it explained?

As parents we are lost now, as we keep receiving “formal” and empty” answers from the same Office and we lost our reference, Simona Mangiante, because of an arbitrarious decision of Ms McGuinness?

Are you aware of the impact of depriving us of the assistance of the person who is following us with great competence and dedication since years? Which is the contribute of Ms McGuinness, other then using this role as an “honor” to exhibit?

Ms McGuinness evidently has no substantial interest in the office, otherwise she would be aware of the essentiality of Ms Mangiante for all of us and that without Ms Mangiante the service apparently does not exist at all!!

At the light of the above, we would like to stress the following:

Why the European Parliament advertise on the internet a service as sensitive as the one offered by the Office of the Mediator for cases of international child abductions, without then being capable of ensuring the continuity in this service? This is criminal Why the European Parliament leaves to the discretionally of the political representative the power to remove essential qualified people of the administration, as Simona Mangiante, to replace them with unqualified people, such as the woman who is now replacing Ms Mangiante? Why you would remove a qualified professional already working on our cases since years? Therefore We urgently ask: – to reintegrate Simona Mangiante in this service to remove Ms McGuinness from the role of Mediator. We are sure there are many better politicians, among you to represent the Office of the Mediator.


Best regards,

Marco Di Marco

Richard M.Holmes

Roberto Nocciolini

Andrea Tonello

Alessandro Avenati

Luigi Renato Zardo

Salvatore Basile

Volpe Liberato

Andrea Cavalcanti

Leonardo Rassu

Hartmut Buchholz

Thomas Karzelek

Anatol Jung

Uwe Mertens

Tags: Eltern Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments obout das Büro des Vermittlers für Fälle internationaler Kindesentführungen – leaks fathers – Vaterlose Gesellschaft –  Vatertag Väter Artikel  Brussels II Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003